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Castrol Iloform FST 8

Castrol Iloform FST 8

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Castrol Iloform™ FST 8 is a medium viscosity, neat forming oil containing high levels of advanced lubricity and

extreme pressure additives. It is free of chlorine and heavy metals, such as Barium.


Iloform FST 8 has been specifically developed for medium to heavy duty fine blanking applications of carbon steel

parts, such as automotive gear and transmission parts, locks, seat recliners, spring discs, brake pad plates etc.

The product shows reliable performance at medium to high steel sheet metal thickness.

The enhanced lubrication package also allows the use in medium duty deep drawing and stamping operations.

Iloform FST 8 is designed to be used as received.


Superior adhesion and wetting properties provide homogenous lubricating film which improves parts



Excellent surface finish and cleanly sheared straight edges, especially on fine blanked components of

difficult geometry and sheet metal thickness up to 10 mm.


Extreme resistance to pressure and high protection against wear enables long tool and die life and thus

cuts downtime and tooling costs.


 • Reliable corrosion protection reduces scrap rate.

Chlorine- and heavy metals-free technology helps improving the environmental profile and minimises

waste disposal costs.

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