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嘉实多 Castrol

Castrol Alphasyn T 460

Castrol Alphasyn T 460

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The Castrol Alphasyn T gear oil range of synthetic lubricants are formulated on polyalpha-olefin (PAO) base fluids

and phosphorus-based antiwear additive technology providing outstanding thermal stability and good load

carrying capacity.


Alphasyn T grades have been formulated for use in bearings, circulatory systems and moderately-loaded gear systems

operating at both high and low temperatures. Alphasyn T should not be used for heavy / shock loaded systems.

Alphasyn T is suitable for various applications where a lubricating oil is used under extremes of temperature or

variable temperatures, e.g. from hydraulic systems through to large, slow moving gears.

All products in the Alphasyn T range have very low pour points and excellent viscosity / temperature characteristics,

allowing their use in both low and high temperature applications.

The Alphasyn T range is fully compatible with nitrile, silicone and fluropolymer seal materials.

Approval Status

Alphasyn T is classified as follows:

DIN Classification is CL.

Alphasyn T grades meet the requirements of:

DIN 51517 Part 2.

David Brown Type A.

Features and Benefits

Good thermal and oxidative stability provides reliable operation and extended operating life when compared to

mineral oil based products.

Inherently high viscosity index (VI) makes the product suitable for operations operating over a wide temperature


Good antiwear and load carrying abilities minimizes gear wear and prolongs gear tooth life.

Good water separation and demulsification characteristics means reduced down time through prolonged lubricant

life and increased equipment reliability.

PAO based lubricant provides good compatibility with seals, paints and mineral oil based lubricants.

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Castrol Optileb CH Spray

Optileb™CH喷雾系列特殊(原名Viscoleb™喷雾)为链条润滑油,专门研发用于满足食品饮料行业的需求。本产品防水且具有高负荷承载能力。Optileb CH喷润滑油无臭无味。添加剂专门抗磨,防蚀。

Optileb CH喷雾链条润滑油满足NSF H1认证,因此适用于因技术原因润滑零件可能直接接触食品的应用。

Optileb CH系列填注到气溶胶之前,通过了犹太和清真认证。

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