嘉实多 Castrol 克鲁勃 KLUBER 壳牌 Shell 美孚 Mobil 道达尔 TOTAL 阿吉普 AGIP Nye Lubricants 福斯 FUCHS 道康宁 Dow Corning 摩托瑞斯 MOTOREX 摩力克 Molykote 摩力大 MOLYDAL 海湾 Gulf 劳博抗 LUBCON 协同 Kyodo 全氟聚醚润滑油Fomblin 罗哥 ROCOL Krytox Lucas Oil 好富顿 HOUGHTON IKV 莱宝 LEYBONOL 倍可BECHEM ZEPF FAG TecnolubeSeal 航空壳牌 AeroShell 雪佛龙Chevron 西匹埃CPI 加德士CALTEX 维德加Rivolta 阿特拉斯·科普柯Atlas Copco 福伊特VOITH Kernite CRC 科梅林 Kommerlin Neoval oil 住矿sumico 汉高 Tangit 摩特 MOTUL 百力威 BEL-RAY 欧美油脂 进口设备

嘉实多 Castrol

Castrol Iloform PS 200

Castrol Iloform PS 200

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Castrol Iloform™ PS 200 is a water extendible, chlorine and heavy metal free forming fluid. It is a blend of high

performance extreme pressure, lubricity and anti wear additives, as well as an emulsifier and corrosion inhibitor system

which provide dependable performance, when diluted with water.


Iloform PS 200 is applied neat for heavy duty deep drawing and blanking applications. It can be extended with water for

to form an emulsion or paste, depending on concentration, for use on medium to heavy duty deep drawing, blanking,

punching and piercing operations. As a paste it is also recommended for tube bending.

Conditions of Use

Iloform PS 200 forms an emulsion at concentrations between 8% - 15%v/v oil in water, and forms a cream or paste

when mixed at concentrations between 20% - 30% v/v oil in water.

It is suitable for use on all ferrous materials including high alloy steels.


Excellent health, safety and environmental profile. Does not contain hazardous aromatic constituents, chlorinated

additives or heavy metals such as Barium

Flexibility. Use at different dilutions can lead to product rationalisation

Contains high performance extreme pressure additives. Maximises punch life and provides excellent surface

finish. Minimises costs associated with tool repolishing

Contains corrosion inhibitors, which provide excellent protection under normal indoor storage conditions.

Minimises rework costs due to corrosion

Easily removed using traditional wash systems, even with minimum agitation. Minimises problems associated

with oil contamination such as phosphating and paint defects

Water extendible. Reduces product consumption

Low odour and clean to use. Excellent operator acceptance

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嘉实多Optileb研发喷雾(以前称为OPTIMOL研发流体喷雾)是应用Optileb DAB8的方便的方法 - ..药用质量白油它是为食品,饮料和医药生理安全特殊润滑剂产业它提供了一个清洁和防腐效果,并给出了亮光面漆,以不锈钢表面。


嘉实多Optileb研发喷雾是NSF H1授权的,因此适合在应用中可直接进行润滑曝光部到可食用产品是可以的

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Castrol Tribol EC Coating
嘉实多 Tribol EC Coating(以前称为OPTIMOL EC涂层)是一个免费的有机硅合成油很宽的温度应用范围。防腐蚀及氧化高防护担保插头之间建立可靠的电接触连接。TRIBOL EC涂层确保在一段长时间中保持较低的过渡性以及低交配和插头连接的回抽力。
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