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APPLICATIONS (1) Conditioning – 1 part of MONOLUBE PX can be diluted with up to 19 parts of water (i.e.) 5% concentration and the usual amount of condition then applied during yarn winding or twisting, or for application, by spray method, through conventional conditioning machines.

 (2) Warping / Weaving – MONOLUBE PX is ideally suited as a lubricant for weaving yarns with the application at the warping / beaming stage. With this method, the product is used in its concentrated form to offer the best possible lubrication to the yarns during weaving. When used for this application, MONOLUBE PX will confer good fibre / metal lubricating properties to the warp threads enabling smooth passage through weaving machines. Unlike film – forming ‘waxes’ the product remains liquid and so, is ideally suited to clients who still prefer this form of weaving lubricant. The excellent emulsifying properties of MONOLUBE PX enable ease of scouring, provided that standard, efficient scouring methods are utilised. Typical applications levels commonly used are as between 2 – 4% (o.w.f.) which provides adequate for most spun or continuous filament yarns. As with all warping lubrication applications, care should be taken to ensure minimum amounts are applied and that application is even. Intentional over applications of any warping lubricant should be avoided and trial increased pick-up levels should be controlled carefully with small percentage increase levels only at each trial run.

 (3) Fibre Lubrication- MONOLUBE PX serves as a highly effective fibre lubricant, primarily for use at the blending stage for woollen spun yarns. Suited to wool and synthetic blends, the product is ideally suited to applications where final scourability, under natural conditions, is desired. Application levels range and can be advised to suit particular mill conditions, spinning machinery and fibre types

200 Silver Streak® Multi-Lube Spray Schaefferoil 200 Silver Streak® Multi-Lube Spray 查看更多>>
Track Lube Plus轨道润滑脂 查看更多>>
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Crosby® Vitalife® 410 Bio-Lube Wire Rope Lubricant 查看更多>>
JAX Proofer Chain Oil JAX Proofer Chain Oil 是同类产品中第一种也是最好的润滑剂。独特的配方专为高湿度环境中的润滑而配制。它的配方可提供极高的性能,消除对烘焙发酵链和其他食品加工设备的腐蚀。 查看更多>>




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