嘉实多 Castrol 壳牌 Shell 美孚 Mobil 道达尔 TOTAL 阿吉普 AGIP Nye Lubricants 福斯 FUCHS 道康宁 Dow Corning 摩托瑞斯 MOTOREX 摩力克 Molykote 摩力大 MOLYDAL 海湾 Gulf 劳博抗 LUBCON 协同 Kyodo 全氟聚醚润滑油Fomblin 罗哥 ROCOL Krytox Lucas Oil 好富顿 HOUGHTON IKV 莱宝 LEYBONOL 倍可BECHEM ZEPF FAG TecnolubeSeal 航空壳牌 AeroShell 雪佛龙Chevron 西匹埃CPI 加德士CALTEX 维德加Rivolta 阿特拉斯·科普柯Atlas Copco 福伊特VOITH Kernite CRC 科梅林 Kommerlin Neoval oil 住矿sumico 汉高 Tangit 摩特 MOTUL 百力威 BEL-RAY 欧美油脂 进口设备

嘉实多 Castrol

Castrol Brayco Micronic 756

Castrol Brayco Micronic 756

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Castrol Brayco™ Micronic 756 is a petroleum base, low viscosity, red colored ISO Grade 15 hydraulic fluid for

aircraft, missile and ordnance use. It is a blend of highly refined, selected base stocks with suitable additives,

which yield a product with exceptionally good viscosity-temperature characteristics, good anti-wear properties, low

rubber swell, and excellent oxidation stability. The use of a polymeric viscosity index improver of low molecular

weight provides stability in comparison to typical hydraulic fluids.


Brayco Micronic 756 is designed for use in aircraft, missile, and ordnance hydraulic systems where long term

stability and a low temperature fluid is required. Brayco Micronic 756 is filtered to meet rigid particle contaminant

requirements. It is intended for use in automatic pilots, shock absorbers, brakes, flap-control mechanisms, missile

hydraulic servo-controlled systems and other hydraulic systems using synthetic sealing materials. Fluids

compounded to meet this specification undergo certain changes with use. Further information relative to usable

life may be found in Fainman and Mackenzie, "The Characteristics and Performance of Specification MIL-H-5606

Hydraulic Fluid," Lubrication Engineering 22234 (1966).

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Castrol Optileb CH



Optileb CH润滑油无臭无味,添加特殊添加剂起到抗磨,防蚀作用。

Optileb CH链条润滑油满足NSF H1认证,因此适用于因技术原因润滑零件可能直接接触食品的应用。

Castrol Tribol GR CLS 000


嘉实多TRIBOL™GR CLS000(以前称为OLIT™CLS000)是一种基于锂/钙极度防水高性能半流体润滑脂。


TRIBOL GR CLS000润滑脂具有出色的防腐蚀保护以及洗涤剂高电阻和烧碱。

Castrol Optileb CH 150 嘉实多Optileb CH 150是一种链条润滑剂,专门为满足食品和饮料行业的要求而开发。它是防水的,并具有较高的承载能力 查看更多>>
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