嘉实多 Castrol 壳牌 Shell 美孚 Mobil 道达尔 TOTAL 阿吉普 AGIP Nye Lubricants 福斯 FUCHS 道康宁 Dow Corning 摩托瑞斯 MOTOREX 摩力克 Molykote 摩力大 MOLYDAL 海湾 Gulf 劳博抗 LUBCON 协同 Kyodo 全氟聚醚润滑油Fomblin 罗哥 ROCOL Krytox Lucas Oil 好富顿 HOUGHTON IKV 莱宝 LEYBONOL 倍可BECHEM ZEPF FAG TecnolubeSeal 航空壳牌 AeroShell 雪佛龙Chevron 西匹埃CPI 加德士CALTEX 维德加Rivolta 阿特拉斯·科普柯Atlas Copco 福伊特VOITH Kernite CRC 科梅林 Kommerlin Neoval oil 住矿sumico 汉高 Tangit 摩特 MOTUL 百力威 BEL-RAY 欧美油脂 进口设备

嘉实多 Castrol

Castrol Aircol PD 100

Castrol Aircol PD 100

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嘉实多 Aircol™ PD 压缩机润滑油系列基于高度精炼的矿物油,专供用于往复式和回转式空气压缩机的润滑。


Aircol PD 系列产品为无灰油品,推荐用于回转式压缩机的转子、轴承和齿轮润滑,尤其适合正常使用下换油周期为 2,000

小时的喷油螺旋压缩机润滑。根据 ISO 6743-3:2003 的定义,螺旋式压缩机的正常使用是指最大排气温度小于或等于

100°C 时的使用情形。

根据 ISO 6743 标准,Aircol PD 系列产品可用于正常负载或重负载往复式和回转式滴油空气压缩机润滑。


排气温度小于或等于 165°C

压差小于或等于 2.5MPa (25bar)

排气压力小于或等于 7.0MPa (70bar)。


排气温度大于 165°C

压差大于 2.5MPa (25bar)

排气压力大于 7.0MPa (70bar)

Aircol PD 压缩机润滑油积碳倾向低,并符合 DIN 51506 VDL 分类对最高排气温度为 220°C 的往复式压缩机的要求。

粘度级别应根据压缩机制造商的建议酌情选择。不过,一般来说,Aircol PD 32 和 46 适用于润滑喷油回转压缩机,Aircol

PD 68 和 100 适用于往复式压缩机的曲轴箱和气缸的润滑。Aircol PD 150 推荐用于滑片压缩机,以及高环境温度下作业的


Aircol PD 系列产品与腈类、硅树脂和含氟聚合物密封材料完全相容。

Aircol PD 分类如下:

DIN 51506 分类 – VDL

ISO 6743/3 - DAA 和 DAB 用于往复式空气压缩机,DAG 用于回转式空气压缩机

Aircol PD 符合 Atlas Copco、Champion、Sullair、Compair/Broomwade、Ingersoll-Rand、Kaeser 和 Bauer 等主要


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Castrol Alphasyn PG 220


The Castrol Alphasyn PG gear oil range of synthetic lubricants are based on poly alkylene glycol (PAG) fluids enhanced

with antioxidants, rust inhibitors and Extreme Pressure (EP) additives of high thermal stability.


Alphasyn PG gear oils are primarily intended for use in worm reduction gear boxes, where the low coefficient of friction of

the PAG base fluid improves efficiency and consequently reduces power consumption and operating temperatures.

This is particularly important in applications where sliding contact is high. The use of a PAG base stock provides inherently

high Viscosity Index (VI) and low pour points making these products suitable for use over a wide temperature range.


Low coefficient of friction reduces energy consumption and lowers operating temperatures, this leads to longer

oil life.

Good thermal and oxidative stability provides reliable operation and extended operating life when compared to

mineral oil based products.

Inherently high VI makes the product suitable for operations operating over a wide temperature range.

High load carrying capacity and good wear protection reduces maintenance.

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