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Castrol Iloform PS 326

Castrol Iloform PS 326

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Iloform™ PS 326 is a chlorine and sulfur free, water soluble forming fluid designed to replace traditional chlorinated oils in

medium to heavy duty drawing applications. Its unique chemistry offers extreme pressure lubrication to extend die life and

reduce blemished or defective parts. In addition, the versatility of Iloform PS 326 allows it to be used at a wide range of

concentrations, making the product suitable for a multitude of forming operations.


Iloform PS 326 is designed for medium to heavy duty forming on ferrous alloys. It can be used at 5% to 10% for less

aggressive forming applications and 25% to 50% for applications needing higher levels of lubricity. Please consult Castrol

prior to use on aluminum.


Formulated with extreme pressure additives to extend die life and minimize blemished or defective parts.

Variation of concentration allows for wide range of forming applications.

Excellent in-process corrosion protection.

Chlorine and sulfur free to help meet environmental goals and improve operator acceptance.

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