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嘉实多 Castrol

Castrol Iloform TRS 136

Castrol Iloform TRS 136

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Castrol Iloform™ TRS 136 is a synthetic, oil-dispersing fluid which inhibits staining and white corrosion on galvanised

materials. The product was designed to exceed the rust prevention characteristics of typical tube mill fluids.

The exceptional detergency of Iloform TRS 136 keeps tubes and forming rolls free of mill oil and scale.

Its unique formulation provides excellent lubrication on mill rolls to prevent roll pickup.


Iloform TRS 136 is engineered to meet the requirements of galvanised mechanical tube forming as well as hot and cold

rolled steel.

Iloform TRS 136 can be run effectively between 6% and 9% in water.


Excellent detergency to wash mill oil and scale from tubes and forming rolls

Provides resistance to staining and white corrosion

Offers extended corrosion resistance for improved quality and appearance

Fluid carries away mill scale and tramp oils; later rejects tramp oils for easy skimming or filtration

Remains stable in both hard- and soft-water conditions

Washes easily from steel providing a clean surface for secondary coatings

Provides long central system life in high contamination environments

Good wetting action reduces drag-out and gives clean appearance to the tube surface.

Castrol Optileb CH



Optileb CH润滑油无臭无味,添加特殊添加剂起到抗磨,防蚀作用。

Optileb CH链条润滑油满足NSF H1认证,因此适用于因技术原因润滑零件可能直接接触食品的应用。

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